Sunday, September 11, 2011

hai para blogger di seluruh penjuru dunia :)
sore ini gue mau menumpahkan semua praduga-paraduga gue yang udah ganjel banget di hati ini. sekarang ini jujur gue sering ngerasa diri gue lebih ceroboh 10 % daripada biasanya. mungkin ini cobaan lagi buat gue , sekarang ini gue sering banget dapet kejadian dadakan banget, saking dadakannya sampe kesakitan mulai dari kejendut tembok, pintu, kursi, meja. kejedutnya kadang di jidat, kadang di kaki, kadang di siku, kadang di lutut. belom lagi kalo enggak sengaja tiba-tiba kesandung meja.

pernah waktu itu (libur lebaran ini) gue kan lagi nyapu , gue sempet liat kuncing item gue lagi tiduran diatas karpet deket kursi gue, sengaja gu bagian deket dia enggak gue sapu takut ntar keinjek, kucing gue ngamuk alamat bakal dicakar gue. selesai nyapu, gue lewat karpet bagian antara kursi sama meja , lagi asik jalan tiba-tiba gue kaget gue nginjek kucing gue mana kucing gede lagi. gue jerit gede banget.
ibu gue yang baru masuk ke kamarnya keluar lagi.
ibu :(masih setengah kaget) "kenapa ta ?"
gue :(masih ketakutan)"ini bu dita nginjek kucing"
ibu :( ngehela napas) ibu kira dita jatuh,
gue yang masih separo kaget, gg berani ngeliat kucing gue , tapi untungnya aja gue enggak dicakar sama kucing gue.

makanya sekarang ini gue sering heran kok sekarang gue sering jalan enggak ati-ati. malu lho lagi jalan tiba-tiba kejedut atau kesandung lagi sama orang-orang pasti mereka bakal ketawa dulu baru mau nolong. sebel kan ..

Guruku: Students' Assignment

Guruku: Students' Assignment:

Name : Feradita Anggraini

Class: XII IPA 1

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The excellency principle of SMA N 1 Metro

The honorable Mr. Suparni

And beloved my friends

First of all let we say thank to our God Allah SWT because He give us his mercy and his gift for us so we can present in this event. Then I want to say thank to Mr. Suparni because he give me opportunity to speech in front of the all audience. In this moment I wiil say about The independent day of Indonesia.

On the day of independence, we should be better able to explain the meaning of true independence. Independence is not just a state of increasing age, but how to improve the welfare of our country. Although Indonesia has many cultures, languages​​, ethnic, but we must be united in accordance with our motto bhineka tunggal ika.

I am proud to be an Indonesian this is one of the principles that we must hold as a citizen of Indonesia. Because if we are not proud with in our country so that others will not respect our country that is Indonesia.

Ladies and gentlement beginning today, we can increase our sense of unity, a sense of defending our country, love for our homeland so that Indonesia could become a prosperous country

Do you know ladies and gentleman? As a young generation of course we already have to prepare ourselves as a candidate for future generations. For the young generation should be more serious about reaching desires for the future we could make Indonesia better.

To all citizens of Indonesia, we must increase the sense of solidarity of nation and state. Unity and national unity more on our personal interests and groups. Increase the spirit of togetherness in the fight for the ideals of independence.

I think it is enough. I apologize if I make a mistake, thank you for your attention I end wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.